megAN 33.5%N granular ammonium nitrate quality fertiliser

MEGA nitrogen in MEGA granules

Thomas Bell are proud to introduce to you the latest product to hit the UK fertiliser market - megAN 33.5N. a universal fertiliser ideal for pre-sowing and top dressing for winter and spring cereals, oilseed rape, sugar beets, potatoes and grassland.

* Larger granules for even spreading up to 50 metres with the correct settings
* Strong bulk density 0.93 - 0.96 kg / dm3
* Granule size 2.0 to 5.0 mm
* Premium Quality Granular Ammonium Nitrate
* Carbon footprint of 1.14 kg / Co2 kg
* Available throughout the UK in 600kg and 1000kg bags

Brought to you by Grupa Azoty, the manufacturers of Pulan®

For the best deal on your fertiliser look no further than Thomas Bell.
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megAN granular ammonium nitrate spreads 50 metres

megAN Safety Data and Spec Sheet

megAN Spreader Calibration Test Results

Thomas Bell commissioned spreader field trials with SCS Spreader and Sprayer Testing to determine spreader settings to 24m, 36m and the widest width possible. The sample of megAN for testing was dust free and in great condition.

For each spreader tested the test report shows detailed analysis of the granules, the settings used during the tray test, the tube contents and the patterns achieved. megAN had good weight with an average bulk density of 0.89kg/l. Size was consistent across samples. Granules were not soft, with an average crush strength of 6.58kg. Overall a sound granule that spread well through both machines.

Amazone ZATS
Spread well at 24m, 36m and 50m with good measurable overlaps. There was no dust while spreading and no build up of material on the vanes. Overall good.
Grupa Azoty megAN is suitable to spread up to 50m with the Amazone ZATS.

KRM M35 Base Trend
Spread well at 24m, 36m and 42m with good measurable overlaps. There was no build up of material on the vanes. Again overall good.
Grupa Azoty megAN is suitable to spread up to 42m with the KRM M35.

We fully recommend your spreader is calibrated for both application rate and spread pattern prior to application. Spreader charts are available below to download.

megAN Carbon Footprint

Carbon footprint for megAN 33.5N is 1.14 kg/Co2kg.

Get a quote for megAN 33.5N

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